


As a member company of the Kitakyushu City’s SDGs Club, we will endeavor to minimize the environmental burden first within our local community by our regular corporate activities. We will also strive to contribute to the improvement of the global environment through our various activities.

Upgrade to LNG fueled boiler aiming low environmental load

Our heat source used to use crude oil for boiler operations. Crude oil exhausts sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), dust and other harmful substances. Thus, we are in the process of upgrading to LNG powered boiler so minimize the environment load. At the same time, we are reducing the environmental burden by implementing measures to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions within the company.

Waste reduction

Our production is partially order-made, but it is based on prior planned production. By efficiently using raw materials and other resources without waste, we try to reduce disposal, loss, and overall waste as much as possible.
We dispose of about 1,100 tons of industrial waste every year, and we are searching for industrial waste that can produce the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), and we are continuing experiments on trial-and-error basis to achieve it.
In addition, the discharge water from production premises contains reduced BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) value by in-house sludge treatment procedures.

Contact Kokura Gosei

Inquiries related to product Catalogue and SDS, consultation on products and contract manufacturing and any other inquiries please contact us by phone or using the inquiry form.